Let the light of our MOE-registered teachers guide your learners as they prepare for the PSLE papers. We will coach them so they can maximise their results in Writing, Language Use & Comprehension, and Oral exams.
Group and individual classes available.
Primary School Programme
Our MOE-registered teachers will drive your learners to new heights of achievement in their Chinese studies. We follow the MOE syllabus and take great care to make sure all our students are achieving to their potential.
Group and individual tuition available.
Preschool Programme
Give your little ones a head start as they make the jump to Primary. Our MOE-registered teachers will deploy functional methods give junior learners the language grounding they need to succeed in primary school.
Group lessons available.
Chinese Holiday Camp
Our Chinese holiday camps are perfect for learning Mandarin through fun and engaging activities, crafts, music, cooking, Kungfu (Chinese martial art) and language games. This is a great way for them to sharpen up their Chinese and boost their interest in Chinese. For students who prefer more academic exposure during the camp, they can join our Chinese Immersion Camp that offers Chinese Head Start Classes for the upcoming academic term.